December 4, 2009


Welcome everyone and thank you all for joining us on this very special this afternoon !!

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Brock and Bill have invited us into their home today not to witness the beginning of what will be but rather to celebrate what already is. In the 30-plus years they've been together, their love and understanding of each other has grown and matured. They have decided to live the rest of their lives together as a legally married couple. In doing so, they’ve invited us to participate in the celebration of a union which began when they were teenagers.

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Theirs is a partnership freely chosen and founded on love, friendship, trust and respect. It is a partnership that encourages open communication, self-expression, the sharing of knowledge and most importantly, an enthusiasm for life.

For the record, I am Teresa T and I have been authorized by the Minister of Justice of the Province of Quebec to solemnize the marriage of Brock and Bill on this day, October 24, 2009.

Bill and Brock, you have come to love each other deeply and sincerely. That love has given you the desire to unite in marriage. In this ceremony, you are dedicating yourselves to give happiness and well-being to each other.

Your marriage is an act based on love and rational thinking. It mustn't be based on the vain hope of what the other will or will not do or what he might or might not become. It must be based on the firm belief in your own individual worth and that of the other.

Your pledge today is an expression of your devotion. The words spoken in this ceremony will validate your marriage only if your love and commitment to one another are strong enough to sustain it.

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Brock and Bill, you have invited us to witness the happiness that you have found in each other. Did you come here freely and are you ready to make the pledges to which you commit yourselves to each other in love?


Do you Bill and do you Brock solemnly affirm that you do not know of any lawful reasons why you cannot get legally married?

'We do'

Are both of you prepared to accept one another as your legally wedded spouse?

'We are'

It is appropriate that you, their families and friends, are here to participate in this wedding. The ideals, the understanding and the mutual respect which Brock and Bill bring to their marriage have roots in the love, friendship and guidance with which you have provided them.

Before uniting you in the bonds of marriage, I am required to read to you the following articles from the Quebec Civil Code which set out the rights and duties of spouses:

1) "The spouses have the same rights and obligations in marriage. They owe each other respect, fidelity, support and assistance. They are bound to live together."

2) "In marriage, both spouses retain their respective names and exercise their civil rights under those names."

3) "The spouses together take in hand the moral and material direction of the family and assume the tasks resulting there from."

4) "The spouses choose the family residence together."

And finally,

5) "The spouses contribute towards the expenses of the marriage in proportion to their respective means. The spouses may make their respective contributions by their activities within the home."

Samuel Johnson, distinguished poet and novelist of the 18th century, facetiously described wedding rings as, quote, “a circular instrument placed upon the noses of hogs and on the fingers of women to restrain them and bring them into subjection”.

Times have changed. In the modern era, the wedding ring has come to represent undying love and the continually renewed vows of the married couple.

Their circular shape has long symbolized timelessness. Certainly the operative word for these two guys is “timelessness”, as they’ve been together for their entire adult lives. They can hardly remember a time when they weren’t together - and some of you here this afternoon probably can’t remember it either.

Now I’m going to invite them to tell you the story of their wedding rings themselves:

Back in the early 1980s, Brock and I exchanged signet rings on our birthdays. This didn’t have any particular significance at the time. We just thought it would be cool to exchange symbols of our friendship.

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Today’s story begins about 20 years later, in July 2005. We were on vacation in Provincetown and Bill thought it was time for a ring upgrade. He found just the rings for us at a trendy little shop on Commercial Street.

But the store didn’t have our sizes in stock. They’d have to be ordered from Switzerland and mailed to us here at home. In the meantime, we thought we’d move our old signet rings to the traditional wedding-ring fingers, where we’d eventually wear the new rings. Never mind that the fit wasn’t quite as snug as it should have been. It was just short-term, until the new ones arrived from Europe.

Later that afternoon we cycled out to the beach at Herring Cove. The tide was rising, it was windy and the water was rough. In retrospect, what happened was almost predictable: As we splashed around, the poorly-fitting ring slipped off my finger and disappeared into the water.

We knew it had to be laying just inches from where we were standing, but we couldn’t see or feel it, as much as we squinted in the salt water and frantically groped around in the sand and rocks. It was gone and we were devastated.

But right then, we had a Harold and Maude moment. Harold and Maude is a movie, a dark comedy that came out in 1971. It’s the story of a nerdy teenage boy and a quirky elderly woman who meet in a cemetery and fall in love.

The couple visits a seaside amusement park and Harold gives Maude a token inscribed “Harold loves Maude”. Maude admires it, saying it’s the loveliest gift she’s received in years. Then she tosses it into the ocean with the pledge “So I’ll always know where it is”.

Right then and there we had our own Harold and Maude moment. Something about having just one of the old signet rings between us was unbalanced and just wrong. We agonized for a few moments, silently hugging in the swirling water, tears filling our eyes. Half a minute later Bill said, “It's gone”.

We like to think of our old signet rings at rest together, somewhere in Cape Cod Bay. We’ll always know where they are.

When we decided to get married, we considered exchanging wedding rings. But we chose not to. Because no rings could ever be more significant than the ones we are wearing now. We hope you can now appreciate why.

Do you Bill take Brock to be your lawfully wedded partner for as long as you both shall live?

'I do'

Do you Brock take Bill to be your lawfully wedded partner for as long as you both shall live?

'I do'

For as much as you have declared your love for one another and have agreed to be united in marriage, I, Teresa T, by the power vested in me by the Civil Code of the Province of Quebec, now pronounce you, Brock and Bill, to be legally wedded partners.

And I present to you, family and friends, the newly married couple...

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We all wish for you that this marriage be great and remain so as you continue your journey down the road of life together. We don't know what lies ahead. Nevertheless, as a community we are prepared to help you to make the best of whatever comes your way. We wish for you that you hug each other often, talk, and laugh a lot.

We hope that you continue to enjoy each other as you already have for so long. May you realize that nothing or no one is perfect and that you look for the good in all things and all people, including yourselves.

Remember to treat yourselves and each other with respect, and remind yourselves often of what brought you together in the first place.

May you continue to respect each other's likes and dislikes, opinions and beliefs, hopes and dreams and fears.

May you learn from each other and to help each other to grow mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

May you realize that there is purpose in your lives and that if you hold onto each other, you will know that things have a way of working out as they are meant to be.

Most of all, may you keep lit the torch of love that you now share in your hearts so that by your loving example you may pass on the light of love to others around you.

Allow me, on my behalf and on behalf of all those present, to offer you our best wishes for your continued happiness. Congratulations Bill and Brock !!

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(photos by Kathleen VanderNoot)


tornwordo said...

Lovely! And Congratulations!

Trey said...


Unknown said...

Congrats! I'm very happy for you both!

Mark in DE said...

Wonderful! I love the way your ceremony officiant kept it modern, yet infused some traditional pieces that retained warmth. I like that the ceremony sounded masculine and not sappy. Spouse & I also had a similar experience of loosing a ring in the water (during a canoe capsizing), how weird is that? Thanks for sharing your photos and your life with us. Congrats a'plenty!

Matt said...

Aww, congratulations to you both! Great to be able to read along with the ceremony. You're a very handsome couple.