August 12, 2009


Sometimes it just turns out that way. Like the hokey Ring Story of 2007 (even we throw up a little).

Case in point: Last month we were enjoying our annual Provincetown getaway, celebrating Bill's 50th over dinner and drinks, when the subject of marriage came up again.

Same-sex unions have been legal here in Québec for years and we haven't taken advantage. We haven't decided not to either. It's been discussed and we've agreed it might be a good idea someday. But we're lazy and not particularly politically inclined. Someday meant probably never.

After sharing a home for 25 years and having been inseparable for 10 years before that, legal recognition seemed unnecessary; a lot of bother for inconsequential result. We don't like bother and we sure don't need to prove anything to anybody.

Still, this summer in Ptown we tossed around the idea once again. And I dunno if it was the Turning 50 or the cosmos or the angel-hair pasta but all of a sudden Bill batted his big ol' baby-blues at me and said "Let's get married on your birthday."

And thus it is to be. Engaged on his birthday, married on mine. And you know what? We were wrong. Impending nuptials change everything. Maybe we're not quite giddy like schoolgirls but there's a spring in our step and a twinkle in our eyes I don't think we've ever known before.


tornwordo said...

Aw, that's just great. We loved doing it even though we didn't really "believe" in it. It doesn't change anything, except that it does. Congrats on the impending nuptials.

Mark in DE said...

Although marriage is not legal here in DE, Spouse & I have talked about getting married elsewhere. He is like you in the sense that he feels its unnecessary, after more than 13 years together. I would find it a romantic expression. I like the way you described the affect your pending nuptuals has had on your day-to-day life. Very interesting.

don said...

Awww. That is beautiful man.