November 22, 2008


Last week I partook in my first political demo and rally ever. Having been born and raised in the hotbed of moral decay some people call Canada, I guess I've never really felt oppressed.

But I was in San Diego the day of simultaneous country-wide protests of the passing of California's anti-gay marriage Proposition 8. Despite having full marriage rights here at home, I wanted to support my brethren.

That such an exercise is necessary in this day and age baffles me. Honestly, another parade? I mean, are there actually people in our modern world who're unable to wrap their brains around the fact that, whether they like it or not, granting gays the right to marry is inevitable?

How can proponents of Prop 8 not understand that suppressing the rights of gays is only going to make us louder and more in-their-face? That denying us a basic human right only serves to thwart to their presumed ultimate goal of making us disappear altogether? That we won't shut up and go away until we all have the same rights they do?

Even if the hets think legalizing gay coupling is ethically wrong, why can't they see it's only a matter of time before it's ratified anyway? What powerful initiative of social change ever just faded away and disappeared? That's simply not the way the world works. Never has been.

Gay marriage is legal elsewhere without ruinous fallout. The tide is turning. Wingnuts, face it, you're wasting your time and your energy. Find something to do that matters.

Women and blacks won the right to vote, different races can marry each other, the sun rises every morning then sets every night and gay marriage is going to happen. Get over it, ferchrissake.


tornwordo said...

That is the greatest sign (I can't believe...). I'm kinda jealous you got to take part.

michael sean morris said...

I agree with that sign a hundred percent.

Unknown said...

It IS going to happen. Glad you had an opportunity to participate and a huge thanks for doing so.

Mark in DE said...

Excellent post! You're absolutely right that we will not just slink back to our dark corners. We will get marriage equality - its just a matter of when.

BTW - is that you in the blue T-shirt and baseball cap in the beginning of the video?

Mark :-)

SharkBoy said...

A new Harvey Milk must take over...

Anonymous said...

Damn, that was a loud protest! Or a very good microphone on the camera.

Steve said...

Hey Tank, thanks taking a stand for us repressed folk here in the states. It's much appreciated.
