February 14, 2008


You're Siddhartha
by Hermann Hesse

You simply don't know what to believe, but you're willing to try anything once. Western values, Eastern values, hedonism and minimalism, you've spent some time in every camp. But you still don't have any idea what camp you belong in.

This makes you an individualist of the highest order, but also really lonely. It's time to chill out under a tree. And realize that at least you believe in fairies.


Take the Book Quiz.


The Bum said...

LOL. Thanks I needed a good laugh. I'm "Lolita"!

g said...

One hundred years of solitude
go figure!

Matt said...

"Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley.

Jeff said...

I'm "Master Harold and the Boys", but I'm okay with that....

Mike said...

"The Guns of August" by Barbara Tuchman.

God, I'm fucking boring.

michael sean morris said...

Wow. I'm Ulysses. Now I really HAVE to read it. Soon as I'm done "The Pickwick Papers".

Anonymous said...

hmmm, I'm the witch and the whatever.....though i feel more Brave New World....though my ego would be flattered,if i could be snobbish and claim publicly of being Ulysses.